Anger Management Groups in Houston Texas

Anger Management Institute of Texas provides a safe educational environment for clients to learn expressions of anger that are acceptable to society so that violence and self-destructive behavior can be avoided. You will certainly benefit from our classes by learning what stress is, as well as stress management strategies. You will moreover learn how to be more emotionally intelligent and how to use proven communication skills to become a more effective person.

4-Hour Groups: Every Saturday and Sunday

Saturdays: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Sundays: 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Please call 281-477-9105 or visit for additional information

Gregory A. Kyles, M.A., LPC
Director, Anger Management Institute of Texas

BIPP Groups in Houston, Texas

The purpose of the Domestic Violence Institute of Texas’ Battering Intervention and Prevention Program (BIPP) is to help male batterers understand their actions and how they alone can control their behavior so that they can live without violence.

Group sessions are held five (5) days a week:

Monday: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Tuesday: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Wednesday: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Thursday: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Friday: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.

For additional information please call 281-970-6611 or visit our website .

Gregory A. Kyles, M.A., LPC
Director, Domestic Violence Institute of Texas

Anger Management and Emotional Intelligence Skills

A few years ago Emotional Intelligence came into the mainstream and everyone was learning more about how they handed their emotions. Many businesses use this to help communication between workers and the boss. Understanding your emotional intelligence is an important part of everyday life because it helps you create a more balanced life.

Emotional Intelligence has nothing to do with Intelligent Quotient (IQ). Instead it is about people skills. Specifically it is the ability to recognize, understand and regulate your own emotions and those of others. By being able to make better choices about emotions you can understand how to act or react in any situation. In fact, research has shown that people who are able to manage their own feelings and work more effectively with others are more likely to live happier lives.

In the workplace, Emotional Intelligence has become more important because employers use it as a predictor of which employees will make the best leaders on projects. There are certain assumptions that are made about employees who score high on Emotional Intelligence. For instance, an employer would expect that this employee was able to control their own emotions, understand how to communicate well with others and how to be a strong problem solver. This person may have a great sense of humor and be able to show empathy to other people. Keep in mind all of these traits that are important in the workplace.

Emotional Intelligence is also important in personal relationships because it helps everyone communicate more effectively. Let’s face it. Emotions are a big part of relationships and they can run rampant if they aren’t controlled. When we understand Emotional Intelligence and how to use it we can strengthen existing relationships and increase our ability to communicate more effectively. It will also help us learn more about ourselves.

Without Emotional Intelligence many relationships break up because the two people (whether friends or married) can’t seem to get past the hurt feelings that accumulate if people don’t understand how to communicate effectively. Emotional Intelligence helps you sort out communication challenges and deal with them straight on. It also helps you improve your people skills and develop a more interesting personality.

Students benefit from Emotional Intelligence because it allows them to focus better on their work, it helps build self confidence and it can create new curiosity. In the workplace, when you are taking courses to improve your job or to apply for a new job, your Emotional Intelligence could lead you to a pay raise.

Emotional Intelligence and Anger Management: The workplace is often an emotional place at times for a lot of reasons. Some businesses make it clear that showing any type of emotion is inappropriate. Some people can become angry and abusive when confronted with certain situations. Without Emotional Intelligence there is a tendency to strike out with fighting or other violence. When Emotional Intelligence is learned it can stop edgy situations from becoming more difficult and it can empower individuals to take control instead of taking revenge.

To learn more about emotional intelligence, anger management, stress management, and assertive communication skills please call 281-477-9105 or visit our website

Anger Management Institute of Texas is a certified Anderson & Anderson ® provider.

Anger Management Classes and Anger Management – Executive Coaching available in Houston, Texas.

Gregory A. Kyles, M.A., LPC, CEAP, CAMF
Director, Anger Management Institute of Texas

Domestic Violence: What Is The Typical Outcome Of Family Violence?

Family violence is usually a learned behavior that will continue to cycle until it is stopped. The typical outcome of this type of behavior is that it is passed on to children in the family so that they themselves become victims of abuse or perpetrate violence. The seeds are sown early when it comes to family violence which usually begins with an adult who has learned this behavior from their own upbringing. In most cases, the perpetrator of family violence is the male head of the household. A female will usually enable this type of behavior by continuing to accept excuses for the behavior.

Children who grow up in a home that is filled with family violence often either become victims of violence themselves or grow up to be batterers. Violence and domestic abuse have their roots in control. Children who live in a home where domestic violence is present not only consider this behavior to be normal, but also feel a lack of control in their own lives. The outcome is usually them emulating the behavior that they grow up with, usually by the parent of the same gender.

Many girls who grow up in a home where they witness domestic abuse, even if the violence is not inflicted on them but on their mother who is the victim of the abuse will subconsciously seek out men who are controlling and often batterers, thus completing the cycle. They will then raise their own children in the same environment in which they were raised. Boys who have a father who is a wife beater may grow up to emulate the behavior as well and very often do. As children, a boy may stand up for his mother against an abusive father, but will eventually learn this type of behavior, especially if the mother is an enabler and allows the domestic violence to continue.

In cases where family abuse is present, it affects the entire family, regardless of whether or not they are the target of the actual abuse. The cycle of abuse continues to play out in future generations and can manifest as child abuse, battering, spousal abuse and even sexual abuse. Family violence requires a battering intervention program to prevent violence from occurring as well as a prevention program that teaches everyone in the family which type of behavior is acceptable. First and foremost, those who are perpetrating the crime of family violence must learn to change their behavior. Counseling is available for those who are victims of family violence that can be beneficial in breaking the cycle of domestic abuse and violence so that victims come to a realization of what is normal behavior and what is not in a family situation.

Domestic Violence Institute of Texas offers Battering Intervention and Prevention Program – BIPP Classes in Houston, Texas.

For additional information please call 281-970-6611 or visit our website

Gregory A. Kyles, M.A., LPC, CEAP, CAMF
Director, Domestic Violence Institute of Texas